Dear Presidents and YWPA Award Chairs,
On January 15th, you should have received a communication from Zonta International announcing important changes in the Young Women in Public Affairs Award for 2020 (included below).
The important change is that recipients will now be given a choice on how to use their award funds, the tax implication of their choice has been fully explained in the email below. The tax implications are for U.S. based clubs only. After the announcement, each district or international YWPA recipient will be sent a tax form to complete. Please note Club awardees or any supplemental awards and scholarships that are paid directly by a club or district will follow the tax regulations of their taxing authority.
The revised form for the YWPA award has already been uploaded onto the ZI website, and all clubs are urged to use this new form in their submission. In addition, there is a document called ‘Program Background/Statistics’ as well as posters in different languages that can be sent to various schools and candidates.
Clubs should send their selected YWPA Candidate’s Application to [email protected] by APRIL 1st. We recognize that many clubs have already distributed the application; therefore, we want to stress that Zonta International will accept both the original application and the revised application for the 2020 YWPA Award cycle.
Please note: A completed application is one document in pdf format that includes the Cover Sheet for Clubs, the Application and the Supporting documentation.
There are various useful internal materials on the ZI website for your reading and perusal. These include:
- Summary of Guidelines for Clubs and Districts/Regions
- Selection criteria
- Cover sheet for clubs
- Pertinent follow-up point for YWPA Award – for District Chairmen & Club Presidents
- Step by Step guide for organizing ‘Great Girls meet Great Women.
The link to access all these materials is:
We trust these materials will be useful to YWPA Chairs and Presidents.
Call for Committee Members: If you have an interest in the D4 Awards Program or would like to learn more about it, Beth and I would love to have you on our team. D4 Awards Committee members review applications for three programs – YWPA (April); Jane M Klausman (June) and if continued Woman of Technology (August/September). All committee work is done online. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Beth Zak at [email protected] or Alyce Van Patten at [email protected].
Beth and I would like to thank you in advance for your dedication & commitment to Zonta activities.
D4 Awards Co-Chairs
Beth and Alyce