City of Hamilton Goes Orange

Please join Zonta Club of Hamilton 1 members to kick off the 16 Days of Activism
Tuesday, November 26
Hamilton City Hall
5:30 to 6:00 pm

We will have a brief ceremony in front of our Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women banner. Councillor Maureen Wilson Ward 1 will be joining us. Please be part of our team photo, We hope to see you there!
Please join us for dinner on December 10th at Liuna Station in the King George South Ballroom on the Lower Level. December 10th is Human Rights Day and we will welcome Dr. Beverly Jacobs to our meeting. Dr. Jacobs, Mohawk Nation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy, Bear Clan, received the Zonta International Centennial Award for Canada. She was recognized for her pivotal work in empowering indigenous and vulnerable women and girls across Canada. From a diploma in Office Administration Legal in 1985, she worked her way to a PhD. She helped catalyze the founding of the Sisters in Spirit Movement, which pushed government, police, and media to pay attention to the growing number of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada, and the large number of unsolved cases.

In addition, we will have a social time and entertainment provided by “Singin‘ Women“, a community choir established in January 2017 with a commitment to singing songs of justice with a particular focus on bringing awareness to the issue women’s homelessness.

The cost of the dinner is $35.00. Please contact us at [email protected]by December 2, 2019, if you are interested in attending.