Workshop  Learning Opportunities

Achieving Gender Equality


Presenters & Facilitators: D4 Advocacy Committee of Kyle Patterson, Lee Fogarty, Julie Brown, Connie Deckert, and Margaret Greare. 

How are clubs advocating for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in District 4?  Come prepared to discuss your favorite projects, ideas and ways we can work together across clubs and areas, as a district.

Regency Room B

Zonta Club Life Cycle- Surviving to Thriving

Presenter: Janice Durmis, Lt. Governor & D4 Membership Chair

In a time when our membership is declining, we need to strive to thrive.

This workshop will give participants an insight into where their club fits into the Zonta Lifecycle.  Participants will gain information on who will help them and be given tools, communication skills and fundamentals to take their club from Surviving to Thriving.

Niagara Room

The Marriage and Divorce Fund…

Presenter: Mary Yunker, D4 Historian/Archivist

An Expanded (and sometimes funny) look at our history.  We go beyond the usual 5 minutes of highlights or one page press release.

Grand Ballroom D North End 

Zonta ZI & D4 Website Navigation – Frustrated to Confident


Presenters: Sandra Cronk & Sheena Poole, D4 Communication Committee & Kathleen Douglass, ZI Leadership Development Program Chair.

This workshop will adapt to a participant’s website experience. D4 Communications and facilitators will help you navigate ZI & D4 web pages, Leadership Program modules, and guide you to areas of information.

Write down and submit your question(s) or area of concern when registering.

Don’t forget to bring your charged laptop or tablet for an engaging hands-on workshop and leave confident to navigate the ZI and D4 websites. 

Class Learning levels

Level 1 – Working through the login in process, change passwords, basic areas of ZI & D4 websites. Lead by Sandra Cronk.

Level 2 – Refresh and continue; building from Spring Workshop to familiarize with the sites and build confidence. Time permitting, submitting content to ZI & D4. Lead by Sheena Poole.

Level 3 – Accessing Zonta Leadership Program information & modules. Lead by Kathleen Douglass & Lori Robinson. “This session will introduce the Zonta Leadership Development Program to you and how it can enhance your Zonta knowledge, and explain where to find the myriad and plentiful resources available to you and your club. You will leave feeling more confident in accessing personal, professional and Zonta development resources and tools.”

Ballroom D South End

Invigorating Your Club!

Presenter: Ann Marie West, Area 6 Director

Is your club working together to its fullest potential?  Do you look forward to meetings? When prospective members walk in the door is the atomosphere welcoming or is there palpable tension? Does everyone sit by the same people at every meeting and are there little cliques? Is your meeting dragging on and on without learning anything?

Each club has their own unique culture.  Before your club is in crisis and members leave for “little things” that add up over time, figure out what works for your club and what doesn’t any longer.  Learn how to assess your club culture and strategies to improve the flow of your meetings.

Regency Room C

Prepare to Learn Something!