We the District 4 Nominating Committee have accomplished our role and secured nominees, and Conference Delegates successfully elected board position for the 2020 – 2022 biennium. Thank you to those who offered suggestions and to those stepping up to lead!
D4 Nominating Committee
The governor shall administer the affairs of the district. The Zonta International president, headquarters office and the lieutenant governor shall be kept informed about district matters.
The governor shall work with the district board and host club in planning the district conference program, shall issue the Call to Conference at least 60 days before the conference and shall preside at the district meeting.
The governor or the governor’s designee shall attend area meetings. The governor shall supervise the preparation of the district budget and shall authorize expenses in accordance with the approved budget.
The governor shall appoint a Bylaws and Resolutions Committee, a Membership Committee, a Service Committee and an Advocacy Committee, each with a chairman and such other members as the governor deems appropriate. The governor may make other appointments as appropriate to implement the programs of Zonta International.
The lieutenant governor shall perform such duties as assigned by the governor and in the absence or inability of the governor to perform the official duties within the district, the lieutenant governor shall perform such duties of the governor. The lieutenant governor shall be chairman of the district Membership Committee.
The treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the district and shall administer them in accordance with the approved district budget. The treasurer shall make reports to the district board and to the conference. The treasurer shall prepare a biennial district budget, under the supervision of the governor, to be reviewed by the district board and presented at the conference for approval. No later than 45 days after the term of office ends, the treasurer shall transfer all records to the successor. At all times, the treasurer’s books shall be open to inspection by the district board and by any auditors named by the district board.
Each area director shall attend district conferences, plan area meetings, visit clubs, and act as liaison between the clubs and the district board.
This are new positions for District 4 to be elected at the 2019 Conference and begin in June 2020.
The District Nominating Committee is elected and is independent in fulfilling its duties. The role of the District Nominating Committee is to recruit qualified Zontians for district officers, directors, and the nominating committee and to give information about the process as needed. This is an active role. The District Nominating Committee must encourage clubs to nominate qualified members.