Leadership Development

Established during the 2014-2016 Biennium, the Zonta Leadership Program is designed to provide Zonta members with organizational knowledge, personal and professional development and opportunities to expand their leadership.

Experienced Leadership 

D4 Program Lead by Zonta International Committee Chair

KATHLEEN DOUGLASS, D4 Leadership Development Chair

In the 38 years that Kathleen has been a member of Zonta, she has served as President of the Brampton-Caledon Club (D4, A2) twice; D4 Governor (2008-2010) and ZI & ZIF Director (2010 – 2012), ZI Nominating Committee (2014-2016) and is currently Chair of the ZI Leadership Development Committee as well as D4 Leadership Development Co-ordinator. She has presented workshops on leadership, governance and board development to Zonta groups in Europe, Asia, 10 US states, as well as providing on-going professional development for the ZI Board of Directors.

District 4 members are fortunate to have experienced leaders, such as Kathleen, offering her skills and abilities to assist those of us interested in expanding our own personal leadership style.

Learn by Doing


Members are encouraged to visit both the e-learning icon on your ZI dashboard for the modules or visit the TOOLS section → Leadership Development for other resources.

Build your portfolio

Continuing this year, you will see new opportunities to expand your skills from our e-learning program; please go into the full webinars on the Zonta International site for full content on the topic.

If we can help you as a member or your club, contact us through the D4 website or directly to Kathleen Douglass @ [email protected]

Achieve your goals

Do You Know What You Want?

Where do I want to be?  What am I great at?  What is important to learn or get better at?  What does the organization need?  What do I love doing?   What energizes me?

Want to Understand More about the UN Sustainable Goals?

In 2015, the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopted by 193 member states, the goals represent an important international step in setting humanity on a trajectory towards sustainable development.

Within this course, you will get a historical overview of how sustainability has been understood, as well as a thorough introduction to the SDGs – what they are, how progress can be measured, and how the SDGs are relevant for the management of the global systems supporting humanity. 

The course will examine how various societal actors are responding to and implementing the SDGs. The course is designed and taught by Professor Katherine Richardson, who is a member of the 15-person panel appointed by the UN General Secretary in 2016 to write the 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report. In each lecture, Katherine interviews experts who provide insights relevant to the topic at hand. 

You can enroll, at no cost without a certificate or a modest fee with a certificate. I have learned so much already!

Please visit the site to enroll: www.coursera.org/learn/global-sustainable-development

Kathleen Douglass, Leadership Development Committee Chair

Zonta International

The Leadership Challenge

Zonta in the summertime!

The D4 Leadership Development Committee is offering you an opportunity to learn more about Zonta in a relaxed and casual location, at a time that works for you – your home, this summer! You can spend about 10 minutes once a month to be eligible for a prize to be drawn at the D4 conference.

July Challenge

Please view the Leadership e-learning module.

c.1.2 – Club Essentials

During this session, you will get a better understanding of the basic unit of Zonta. Zonta clubs are the basic structure of the organization which helps us understand the reason for Zonta clubs to educate, inform and advocate for women’s issues.

 When you have finished, please send me an e-mail with your name, club and area answering this question:

Which websites are included in the overall www.zonta.org site?

All correct responses will be included for a draw to be made at conference.

September Challenge

Please view the Leadership e-learning module.

c.3.3 Volunteer Leadership

Know why members volunteer, understand the 3 R’s of volunteer engagement, value the art of recognition and develop ideas to maximize your members’ relationship with Zonta.

When you have finished, please send me an e-mail with your name, club and area answering this question:

What are the 3 R’s of Volunteer engagement?

All correct responses will be included for a draw to be made at conference.

August Challenge

Please view the Leadership e-learning module.

c2.4 Succession Planning

Learn why it is important to develop a succession plan and discover how to grow new leaders while showing appreciation for your current leaders

When you have finished, please send me an e-mail with your name, club, and area answering this question:

How do we evaluate the board’s needs for succession?

All correct responses will be included for a draw to be made at the conference.

October Challenge Teaser

Please view the Leadership e-learning module.

c.4.1 Role and Responsibilities of Club Treasurer

Learn what the role and responsibilities are for being your club’s treasurer.

When you have finished, please send me an e-mail with your name, club and area answering this question:

How many different methods are used to submit a club’s contribution to the Foundation?

All correct responses will be included for a draw to be made at conference.


Archived Leadership Learning Tools, Techniques & Information

Make communication a top priority

How are your communications skills?

Do you listen or are you waiting for the other person to stop talking so you can talk?  You have two ears and one mouth as your mother would tell you.

Do you listen with your heart and your head?  Body language………….

Do you interrupt, hurry the other person along or are impatient?

Have you confirmed or re-stated what they have said?



  • Communication is built on trusting relationships
  • Encourage two way dialogue
  • Remain receptive to and listen for underlying issues when someone is expressing concerns
  • Be open to other people
  • Create a receptive environment for communication
  • Remain receptive and listen


  Good Communication Contribute to:

  • Productive, effective meetings
  • Fewer conflicts
  • Enhanced leadership
  • Stronger culture
  • Successful achievement of organizational goals
  • Mission and vision are aligned with planning as evaluated

Leader is a reputation you earn, leadership is a skill you learn

Act as a harmonizing influence

Be clear in communicating

Encourage team members to share information

Encourage trust and co-operation

Delegate when possible

Build consensus as you go along Set ground rules for team


    Building Loyalty

  • Inspire and motive your team
  • Acknowledge group contribution
  • Identify and build on shared values
  • Get commitment to the goals
  • Acknowledge and reward excellence
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for individuals


     Create a motivated environment

  • Lead by example
  • Be enthusiastic
  • Build trust
  • Support your team
  • Share ownership of the process
  • Communicate
  • Have fun
  • Delegate

Does you club have a culture of leadership?

How do you market and educate members about the benefits of being a board member?

How do you identify newer or younger with potential and encourage them to engage in leadership roles?

How do we help develop competencies? 

If the task is too big, can you break it down (chunk it into bite-sized pieces) so it is not too scary

How do we ask? Why would someone say yes?

Growing Leaders

How do you encourage members to:

  • Develop leadership skills
  • Create a culture where risk (failure) is accepted
  • Take a chance
  • Say yes?


How to Groom New Leaders

  • Know your board members
  • Know where your organization is ‘going’
  • Growing talent where possible
  • Identifying key positions (risk management)
  • Talk about succession as part of your strategic plan
  • Ensure position descriptions are current

    Build a Better Club – Member to Member Resources

Globally, Zonta members have created training materials and presentations to build better clubs. These presentations are available to you for club use.

Build a Better Club

Effective club communicationsYouTube  March 2016

Having difficult conversations: Effective conflict resolution in organizations  YouTubeMarch 2016

Presiding with presenceYouTubeMarch 20


How-To Tools and Techniques

These tools and techniques help Zonta members improve club effectiveness and efficiency. Please share best practices and successful tips and tricks by emailing them to [email protected]for review by the International Leadership Development Committee.

Communicate Effectively Through Email PDF April 2017

Create a Presentation PDF April 2017

Club Officer Training Template PPT July 2018

Make a PowerPoint Slides into a Video WMV January 2017

Add Speak to PowerPoint WMV April 2017

501(c)3 Organizations mp4 May 2018

Tax Status for U.S. Clubs mp4 May 2017

Form 990 Filings webinar YouTube March 2017

Engaging people through emotions – Public Speech Training

Personal Development Library

The Personal Development Library is a collection of articles, books and videos recommended by the Leadership Development Committee to inspire you to grow as a leader.

Personal Development Library

Ethics for People on the Move – Catharyn Baird YOUTUBE March 2017

What are the anchors of an ethical life? In this informative talk, ethics maven Catharyn Baird explores the roots of how we think of an ethical life, and how to use them to build strong communities.

Leadership Strategies – The Facilitation Company WEBSITE March 2017

At the Naidm one Learning Track focused on Leadership Development.

Please respect the work the following presenters offered and refrain from altering content without their expressed permission.


Ready to get started?

Log into “My Zonta” on the ZI site and begin.

If we can help you as a member or your club, contact us through the D4 website or directly to Kathleen Douglass.

Zonta District 4