D4 Leadership

Nominate a Zonta member

The District 4 Nominating Committee is asking for your input to assist us in finding the best candidates to lead our District into the next biennium of Zonta.  

The Leadership Our District Needs

Sometime all we need to do is to ask someone to step to leadership.  We want to hear from you. If you would like to step up to leadership. Please, let us know. If you have a member of your club that you would like us to call and chat with, we are happy to do so.

D4 Nominating Committee

Develop & Learn Leadership skills


Share Your Skills to Benefit others


Meet & Forge Friendships Throughout the District


Opportunities to Lead

The Nominating Committee must provide the Governor with a full slate of nominations Governor, Lt. Governor, Treasurer, Nominating committee Area Directors and new this biennium, Vice Area Directors for the 6 areas.

One of the great things about Zonta is the opportunity to learn new skills in a supportive environment. In today’s work place, more and more people are “one woman shows” in that they have to all the jobs that the project needs with fewer resources. 

Advancement in Zonta permits one to try out their wings in a different environment than their workplace and to gain experience in obtaining the cooperation of others to accomplish their goals – whether it is fundraising, choosing the right people for a committee, or bringing together those whose skills are complementary to the job at hand. 

Being asked to stand for an office in Zonta is a privilege and an honor as it indicates that other Zontians consider you as worthy of moving forward in the organization and of having the necessary skills to accomplish the task. 

New D4 Positions

Vice Area Director (six)  A vice area director may be elected to assist the area director in the per­formance of area duties. An elected vice area director shall meet the same qualifications as the area director. In the absence or inability of the area director to serve, the vice area director shall perform the du­ties of the area director and shall be entitled to a vote on the district board or at a conference.

This role has been used in many districts and is used to let members test the district board responsibilities and can be potentially used for succession planning.

From Experience


This was an extraordinary leadership and learning experience. Through being Area Director I met other women I greatly admire and many of whom have become life-long friends.  I am so glad I said YES to serving in this role.
Service in Zonta is truly a very rewarding experience. I would recommend you let your name stand for a position in leadership.


I was very reluctant to take on the position of Lieutenant Governor, leading of course to be the Governor.  My initial response was “no- I’m too busy, I don’t have the time, I’m not capable”. But after conferring with my club mates, the nominating committee member and my family, I agreed. It turned out to be an amazing experience spread over the four years. Although I felt some relief when my successor took over, the stronger feeling was a sadness that it was over, and a deep satisfaction with all that I had learned and accomplished. Along the way I met so many amazing women whose paths never would have crossed mine.

If asked, please consider it carefully. It is an extremely rewarding experience.




There are many  opportunities for club leaders to share their knowledge, skills and enthusiasm for the continued achievement of the goals of Zonta at the District level. Why not get involved and share your leadership skills with others by being a part of the leadership team for the District.

For the most part in my professional life I have always worked alone, no team or group work. Being on the board has given me the experience of working with others for a common goal.



GOVERNOR / International Board and International Committees

Experience at the District level is important as it provides a look at the “bigger” picture of Zonta, especially if the district includes different countries and customs as these can affect how Zonta functions within these environments. Understanding how Zonta functions at the International level means that one has to be receptive to thinking outside one’s local culture and being willing to see things from another point of view. 



Elected Officer descriptions


The governor shall administer the affairs of the district. The Zonta International president, headquarters office and the lieutenant governor shall be kept informed about district matters.

The governor shall work with the district board and host club in planning the district conference program, shall issue the Call to Conference at least 60 days before the conference and shall pre­side at the district meeting.

The governor or the governor’s designee shall attend area meet­ings. The governor shall supervise the preparation of the district budget and shall authorize expenses in accordance with the ap­proved budget.

The governor shall appoint a Bylaws and Resolutions Committee, a Membership Committee, a Service Committee and an Advocacy Committee, each with a chairman and such other members as the governor deems appropriate. The governor may make other ap­pointments as appropriate to implement the programs of Zonta International.

Lieutenant Governor.

The lieutenant governor shall perform such duties as assigned by the governor and in the absence or inability of the governor to perform the official duties within the district, the lieutenant governor shall perform such duties of the governor. The lieutenant governor shall be chairman of the district Membership Committee.

Area Director (SIX).

Each area director shall attend district confer­ences, plan area meetings, visit clubs, and act as liaison between the clubs and the district board.

vice Area Director (SIX).

This are new positions for District 4 to be elected at the 2019 Conference and begin in June 2020.


The secretary shall maintain records of the district. Within 60 days after each conference, the secretary shall send a conference report to district clubs and to Zonta International headquarters signed by the governor and the secretary. If pro­posals to amend the Zonta International Bylaws are adopted by a conference, the secretary shall send such adopted proposals to the Zonta International Bylaws and Resolutions Committee within 30 days after conference.


The treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the district and shall administer them in accordance with the approved district budget. The treasurer shall make reports to the district board and to the conference. The treasurer shall prepare a biennial district budget, under the supervision of the governor, to be reviewed by the district board and presented at the conference for approval. No later than 45 days after the term of office ends, the treasurer shall transfer all records to the successor. At all times, the treasurer’s books shall be open to inspection by the district board and by any auditors named by the district board.

Nominating Committee.

The District Nominating Committee is elected and is independent in fulfilling its duties. The role of the District Nominating Committee is to recruit qualified Zontians for district officers, directors and the nominating committee and to give information about the process as needed. This is an active role. The District Nominating Committee must encourage clubs to nominate qualified members.

Ready to take the next step and support your club & D4?

Get Involved

Now is the time to take on leadership within your own club.  Chair a committee, put your name forward for an executive position.  In order to be consider for a District or International position you must serve at local and district levels prior to progressing to the next level of leadership.

  • Are you willing and able to learn; to communicate; to share your appreciation of Zonta’s mission, have passion?
  • Qualifications (Bylaw Article XVII, Section 6, Officers) (a)
  • Descriptions and application forms are on the D4 website
Please consider saying YES!

Ready to Support District 4?

Zonta District 4