Nominating & Campaigning Policy (PDF)
D – Nominating Committee:
1. The Chair of the District Nominating Committee shall request, prior to January 31st of each odd-numbered year, suggestions from each club for nominees for each position to be filled by election at the succeeding Conference. Personal data forms shall be submitted for each name suggested. The deadline for suggestions from clubs shall be March 15th of the odd year. The committee shall screen the suggested nominees based on the recorded qualifications, and on the committee’s own knowledge and judgment. The individual suggested nominee must not be approached directly and asked to serve on an elected position until the nominating committee has had the opportunity to review and recommend the individual to stand for election. Once the individual has been approved by the nominating committee they will then be approached and asked to serve either by the nominating committee or the nominating club.
2. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of one or more candidates for each District office that is to be filled at that election, and a minimum of five (5) nominees for the District Nominating Committee. No name shall be listed without the member’s consent to serve, if elected. No member of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible for nomination at any club or district level of Zonta International while serving on the committee.
3. At least sixty (60) days before the Conference at which the election is to be held, the Nominating Committee shall send its report to each district officer and to each club in the District.
4. At the Conference, as long as notification has been made to the District Nominating Committee 4 days prior to the District Conference, additional nominations may be made from the floor immediately after the report from the Nominating Committee provided the consent to serve has been obtained from the nominee and the nominee is qualified.
5. The Area Directors shall be elected at the District Conference by the clubs in the area
6. The Nominating Committee is elected by plurality vote; all other offices are by majority vote. For offices requiring a majority vote, if there is a tie vote or one where no candidate receives a clear majority of votes cast, only the two (2) candidates receiving the largest number of votes will remain on the second ballot for a run-off vote. Run-off voting would continue until a candidate achieves a clear majority.
E – Campaigning Policy: Campaigning will align with the Zonta International Rules of Procedure on Circularization and the Zonta International campaigning Policy.
1. No campaigning of any sort, other than the wearing of the official candidate’s identifier by the candidate at conference, shall be allowed.
2. Allowed activities:
a. Following issuance of the official slate by the District Nominating Committee, Zontians attending Zonta functions may be introduced as candidates, with no other information being provided about the candidates. At no time may either the candidate or any other Zontian publicly request votes for the candidate.
b. Candidates may attend any Zonta function. At the request of the presiding officer, the candidate may participate as a speaker or presenter.
c. If asked, only oral endorsements, based on personal knowledge and experience, may be made by other Zontians.
3. Disallowed activities:
a. Speeches requesting votes will not be allowed, except during an official candidate’s speech made as part of the business session at the Conference.
b. No current or past officer or director of Zonta International or current or past officer of the District shall seek to influence members to vote for or against a particular candidate through either verbal or written means.
c. No gifts, trinkets, buttons or other promotional material (such as flyers, brochures or resumes including social media) shall be distributed on behalf of any candidate for campaign purposes either before or during the Conference, other than material provided by the District Nominating Committee.
4. (New Section) Consequences of the Policy Violation
a. If a perceived policy violation is observed by a District Board member, or if a written complaint is sent to the Governor within 3 months of a perceived violation by a District member, then a formal investigation will be carried out by the Board, led by the Governor.
b. If a violation is identified and proven through the investigation, consequences could include, but might not be limited to, a private letter of concern or reprimand; or a cancellation of the candidate’s nomination (if the violation is noted before the election); or a calling for a new vote for the position affected (if the violation is noted after the election)
c. In addition, if further disciplinary action is required, the District Board will follow the Zonta International By-laws, policies and procedures.