Inviting you to D4 Learning

Join D4 members to experience online learning and expand your knowledge!

Building for Our Future

Zonta International District 4 Board Members invite YOU to a few hours of online learning to increase your knowledge and skills. By the end of the session, you will have experienced learning in a new form and  strategies to help you succeed in your Zonta role while improving your club.

Celebrate and enjoy Zonta!

Building for Our Future:

What to expect in the coming months

E Talks (new) & E Learning Sessions

Improve your leadership skills and transform your club by attending one of the Online Learning Sessions.

D4 E-Talk – New

Monday, September 21, 2020

7:00 – 8:00 PM

One Hour Open Discussion & Information 

Advocacy – 16 Days of Activism

Presenter: D4 Advocacy Chairperson, Kyle Patterson & the D4 Advocacy Committee.



 Join the ZI District 4 Board as we hear from the District 4 Advocacy Committee how you and your club can raise awareness of gender based violence during the 16 Days of Activism.

Ideas to help your club promote ZONTA SAYS NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN will be shared.


Share your story.

View and Listen to Our Online Learning Sessions

Fourth Online Learning Session 

Building Membership 

Presenter: D4 Membership Chairperson, Sheena Poole

Building more than an elevator speech. D4’s here to take you to the top.

Membership growth BEGINS with you! Discuss membership needs at the club, district and international levels. Attract new and engage current members more effectively through membership planning. Review the resources and tools currently available to you and tell us what you need from D4 to take your club straight to the top.

Third Online Learning Session

Treasurer’s Training

Presenter: D4 Finance Chair Carol Spedding

Initial invite to newly elected club treasurers.  Followed by first-come-first-serve for D4 members.

Fluent in Finance: Club Accounts, Ledgers and forms.

Are you the new treasurer?  Thinking about becoming one or just interested in finances? This session will provide new and updated information on important topics, including a discussion of basic responsibilities to give you a better understanding of Zonta’s record-keeping and reporting requirements. It will also include a review of essential treasurer forms and where to find them on the ZI and District 4 websites.

President’s Training

Presenter: Immediate Past Governor Lori Robinson

Initial invite to newly elected club presidents.  Followed by first-come first-serve for D4 members.

Be the Leader You Want to Follow.

So, you want to be a great leader? Are you ready to be President of your club? Reinforce how to become a successful leader, improve communication, make better decisions and manage conflict. Gain insights on creating a healthy and productive club environment. Learn the tools and resources available to you and where to find them.

ZI District 4 Foundation Ambassador Update

Presenter: Kathy Smith & Lori Robinson

Introduction to Leadership Development & Generational Differences

Presenter: ZI Leadership Development Chair & D4 member Kathleen Douglass

Leadership Development

This session segment provides Zonta members with organizational knowledge, personal and professional development and opportunities to expand their leadership.  Learn how to access ZI Leadership Development webinars and sample what resources are available to you.

Generational Differences

What is your generation? Where do you and potential members fit in? This workshop will help participants better understand the various generations present in your club and community. Each generation has ideas and experiences to bring to the club. Take home tools for all generations to work and grow together to make your club the best it can be.

Zonta District 4