2019 Jane M. Klausman (JMK) Women in Business Scholarship district recipient

Virginia Vickers & Daniela GaTTi (L-R) Zonta International 2019 JMK Recipient
Daniela is a Business Administration Major at Brock University. Application from D4 ZC of St. Catharines.
Congratulations to Daniela Gatti & ZC of St. Catharines, ON!
On November 26, 2019, Zonta International posted the recipients of the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships. Daniela Gatti, ZC St. Catharines’ candidate was awarded one of the District Scholarships of $2,000. Daniela is a Business Administration Major at Brock University.
From all of us in District 4: Thank you to ZC St. Catharines, ON for presenting Daniela as your club’s candidate. We are so proud of Daniela! Our sincere Congratulations with Warm Wishes for your continued success!
Zonta International District 4 Governor Bonnie Clesse
Lindsey Tulloch, ZC of Niagara Falls, ON candidate is First Ever Recipient of the new Pilot Program: Zonta International Women In Technology Scholars.

Lindsey Tulloch, Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarship Recipient
First WIT Recipient from ZC of Niagara falls, ON. Lindsey is a Computer Science Major at University of Waterloo, ON.

WIT recipient from D4 ZC of Niagara Falls, ON.
Lindsey Tulloch, Computer Science Major at University of Waterloo (Ontario)
Lindsey Tulloch’s Bio
Congratulation to Lindsey Tulloch & ZC of Niagar Falls, ON!
On December 2, 2019, Zonta International posted the First Ever Recipients of our new Pilot Program: Zonta International Women In Technology Scholars. Zonta Club of Niagara Falls, Ontario’s candidate, Lindsey Tulloch, was awarded one of the Zonta International Scholarships for $8,000 USD. Lindsey is a Computer Science Major at University of Waterloo.
From all of us in District 4: Thank you to ZC Niagara Falls, ON for presenting Lindsey as your club’s candidate. We are so proud of Lindsey! Congratulations & Best Wishes for your bright future!
Zonta International District 4 Governor Bonnie Clesse
Congratulating Our Canadian Centennial Award Winner

Dr. Beverly Jacobs
Canadian 2019 Centennial Country Award Recipient.

Dr. Beverly Jacobs receives Zonta International Centennial Award for Canada
Judy Gorton, ZI Director & Karin Eckart, Hamilton 1 President present Dr. Jacobs with the Centennial Award.
The Zonta Club of Hamilton 1 originally submitted Dr. Beverly Jacobs for our Centennial District award. Our District Advocacy Committee Canadian members worked with other Canadian Districts to determine the Canadian winner for Zonta International. Dr. Jacobs was chosen from all Canadian submissions. Congratulations Dr. Jacobs!
Dr. Beverly Jacobs’ Bio
Dr. Beverly Jacobs:
“The genocidal policies of the Indian Act also had an impact on Indigenous governance systems where the women’s decision-making qualities were silenced and no longer part of the balance of these systems. And we already know what the residential schools did to our families, including the roles of mothers and fathers and the losses of family bonding, and the loss of the most basic tenets of a relationship: love and emotional well-being.
To become survivors of this abusive relationship, all victims, including Indigenous men and women, must take their power back. Many already have. This is what decolonization means at a practical level—taking our power back. The language and actions about violence against Indigenous women has to shift to actually begin the decolonization process.”
Beverly Jacobs, “Honouring Women” in Kim Anderson, Maria Campbell and Christi Belcourt, Keetsahnak / Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters, (University of Alberta Press, 2018).
Zonta International announced the recipients of its Centennial Anniversary Grants.
A total of US$296,271 will be disbursed to 62 community-based organizations in 18 countries, partnering with a Zonta club to improve the lives of women and girls at the local level.
District 4 Grantees are:
ZC of Kitchener-Waterloo partnering with Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region for the KW Zonta Poster Project.
ZC of Niagara Falls, NY partnering with Pinnacle Community Services for the Zonta Fresh Start Initiative for Passage House Project.
ZC of Rochester partnering with Resolve of Greater Rochester, Inc. for the Improving Safety and Empowering Intimate Partner Violence Survivors Project.
Almost 300 applications were received from 41 countries for the Centennial Anniversary Grant program, which was initiated to celebrate Zonta’s 100th year of service to women and girls.
Congratulations to the Zonta clubs of Kitchener-Waterloo, Niagara Falls, NY & Rochester, as well to all clubs who submitted grant proposals!
Amal Qayum
The District 4 Awards Committee is very pleased to announce that Amal Qayum, submitted by Niagara Falls, Canada, has been selected as the District 4 Young Women in Public Affairs scholarship winner for 2019. Amal will receive $1,500 from Zonta International as the District 4 Young Women in Public Affairs Scholarship recipient. The District 4 Awards Committee received 9 applications from the clubs in District 4. The candidates were all exceptional young women.

District 4 is very pleased to announce that Emily Gleeson, is a Canadian recipient of the Amelia Earhart Fellowship and is studying Aerospace Engineering at Ryerson University.
D4 Clubs identified in newest issue of THE ZONTIAN!
Congratuation to the ZCs of Buffalo where members spend time mentoring the girls of Teach and Restore Youth (TRY) on a weekly basis. Girls are taken off the streets, given a place to live and are assisted with enrolling in school, finishing their GED or getting a job.
The ZC of Owen Sound members are donating clothing and hygiene products to women in the hospital due to experiencing violence or health or mental health issues. Many of the women are unable to go home in the clothes they arrived in and they are welcome to take any items found in the Comfort Closet.
Congratulating Our District 4 Centennial Award Winners
Areas 1, 2 & 3 Canadian Award Winner
Timea Nagy, Founder of Walk With Me Canada Victim Services, author & human trafficking survivor.
Timea was nominated by the Zonta Club of Kitchener-Waterloo.
Areas 3 & 4 American Award Winner
Mary Travers Murphy, Executive Director, Family Justice Center
The Zonta Clubs of Cheektowaga-Lancaster, Buffalo, and Hamburg-Orchard Parkall nominated Mary.
Areas 5 & 6 American Award Winner
Susan Evans, philanthropist, author & ovarian cancer survivor.
Sue was nominated by the Zonta Club of Bradford.
Recognizing Service at Convention
District 4’s Zonta Club of Niagara Falls, NY was awarded the Zonta International Service Recognition Award for their local service project “It’s Not Your Fault – Sexual Assault is a Crime Project.”

D4 Members Appointed to Zonta International Positions
This biennium several of our D4 sisters will be not only serving our District, they will also be contributing their skills and talents to Zonta International. Congratulations to Kathleen Douglass and Holly Anderson as Zonta International Committee Chairs and Lori Robinson as a member of the ZI Leadership Committee.
D4 wishes to acknowledge these empowering women!