Zonta Says NO
A campaign to end violence against women and girls
The Zonta International Public Relations & Communications Committee is pleased to announce the launch of “Zonta Says NO” – a Zonta International campaign to raise awareness of and increase actions to end violence against women and girls around the world. The campaign, which began in November 2012 and will continue through December 2013, will feature the service and advocacy actions of Zonta clubs and districts to prevent and end violence against women and girls in their local communities. It will also highlight Zonta International’s ongoing efforts to end violence against women and girls through the Zonta International Strategies to End Violence against Women (ZISVAW) program and through Zonta’s partnerships with the United Nations and its agencies.
Zonta Says NO has two phases. Building off the 2012 16 Days of Activism and the theme of the 2013 CSW – elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls – the Zonta Says NO campaign invites all Zonta clubs and districts to participate by sharing their new and ongoing actions to end violence against women and girls between now and November 2013. These actions will be featured on a special Zonta Says NO campaign web page and official social media pages. The second phase will feature one common action by Zonta clubs and districts around the world in November 2013 to illustrate the collective commitment of Zonta’s nearly 30,000 members to preventing and ending violence against women and girls.
Please join us! To learn more about Zonta Says NO, please refer to the Campaign Starter Kit and Campaign FAQs. If you still have questions about how you, your club or your district can participate, please email [email protected]. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women and girls in our local communities and around the world!
For more information including a starter kit, please visit www.zontasaysno.com
On June 29th, a webinar was hosted by the Zonta International PR Committee. The slides used in the webinar and notes are available below.
16 Days of Activism
Zonta Club of Rochester 16 Days of Activism Presentation
International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) Resources
Coalition to End Violence Against Women and Girls Globally Mission and List Updated 2 23 12 (PDF)