Introducing your Elected 2020 – 2022 Area Directors

D4 Nominating Committee

Area 1 Director-Elect

Dr. Jane Newman

About Dr. Jane Newman

Jane has been a member of the Zonta Club of Kitchener-Waterloo for 36 years.   She is currently holding an appointed position on the Club 4 Awards Committee.

Jane would like to raise awareness of Zonta in her community and the world. While recognizing that Zonta has helped women advance the past 100 years, we have many obstacles to still overcome. 

Jane feels our international service projects are always so powerful and humbling she wants to make sure each Zontian knows what we do internationally and she hopes that this can also help attract new members to our organization.

Area 2 Director-Elect

Marion Reeves

About Marion Reeves

Marion has been an enthusiastic and dedicated member of the Brampton – Caledon club for 30 years. Marion has held many elected positions in the club including treasurer, secretary, and president.

Marion’s goal for advancing the Objects of Zonta International is to seek out opportunities with Clubs to ensure a greater understanding of how the status of women in our individual communities can be improved.  She feels that we need to take the time to be thoughtful and reflect on the outcome we are having in our lives and those of the women around us.

Marion feels her professional experience as a business owner responsible for managing staff in multiple locations with many different workplace cultures will help her as an area director.

Area 3 Director-Elect


About Nicki Inch

Nicki has been in Zonta over 10 Years in the Niagara Falls, Ontario Club.  

In Nick’s career as an Executive Director, she is able to make decisions quickly but able to see both sides of a discussion.  She feels she is very organized and highly skilled at fundraising and marketing.

Women’s issues have always been at the core of her being.  Nicki is very passionate about speaking out against the inequities she sees women facing in our society, as well as those faced by women around the world.  She wishes to continue to advocate for women at every chance she has.

Area 4 Director-Elect


About Mary Vacanti

Mary has been a loyal member of the Zonta Club of Buffalo for the past 8 years. She was an appointed Committee Advocacy Co-Chair for 2016 to 2018 as well as 2012-2014.  She currently is on the Buffalo Conference committee. 

Mary feels she has extremely good organizational, social skills and is known as a team player to work for the good of the order. She plans on advancing the status of women by working with the various clubs in the district as well as ZI to help immigrants and refugees assimilate to our culture to create a better life for themselves and their families. Mary will also promote donations to the Rose Fund to help ZI accomplish their goals.

Area 5 Director-Elect

Melinda Johnson

About Melinda Johnson

Melinda has been a loyal and dedicated member of the Zonta Club of Warren for the past 32 years.  For the past 2 1/5 years, she has been the Executive Director for the Jefferson DeFrees Family Center, where she has been in charge of budgeting, staff, maintenance, fundraising and special events.   She is an organized and proactive person.  She exceeds at networking and planning. Melinda feels that her strongest trait is enthusiast leadership. 

Area 6 Director-Elect

Janet Dell

About Janet Dell

Janet has been a member for the Zonta Club of Washington County for the past 7 years.  Janet as worked with her club to sustain and grow the membership.  She truly understands that membership is a challenge all over and is willing to work with clubs to be vibrant. Janet’s background in teaching, real estate and being a logistic manager has taught her how to work in a diverse environment while interacting with people who share varied viewpoints.   Janet feels that we need to utilize the best of every organization to gain synergy and growth in achieving our Zonta goals.

Zonta District 4