Helping You to Empower Your Membership
Developing a Healthy Club
- Conduct efficient meetings.
- Offer informative meeting, but also have fun.
- Offer quality Service & Advocacy projects
- Develop a useful strategic plan.
- Participate at the International, District and Area levels, including scholarships and awards.
- Execute inspiring Fundraiser events
- Engage all members.
- Cultivate friendships.
- Utilize orientations and mentoring programs.
- Budget affordable club dues.
Maintaining a Healthy Club
Some questions you may want to ask.
Is each member aware of Zonta’s mission and vision?
Is your club friendly and respectful?
Does each member support at least one committee ?
Are your members actively engaged?
Are your local service monies empowering women?
Do your members regularly attend Area, District and International meetings?
Goal Setting
Aligning your Club Goals with ZONTA INTERNATIONAL and District 4
Zonta International Biennial Goal # 2
We will have more members on May 31, 2020 than on May 31, 2018.
Clubs will reach out to our Golden Z clubs and beneficiaries of educational programs.
Districts will continue to support chartering of student clubs and we will have more Z and Golden Z clubs.
Help clubs enhance fellowship and mutual support.
Develop Individual growth initiative.
Contribute to developing a concept on including more young people in Zonta.
Recommend criteria to the ZI Board and conduct the process for the Centennial Membership Awards.
Maintain retention of current members.
Utilize ZI Centennial and District 4 projects for public awareness and recruit new members.
Maintain open communication lines with clubs.
Implementation of Individual Membership Pilot Program.
Encourage member participation at District level.
We are all volunteers with limited time!
Attitude is everything.
Know your members. Each member has a voice and should be heard.
Fun & fellowship at each gathering
Encourage involvement of all members
Acknowledge everyone’s perspectives
Acknowledge traditions and experiences
Encourage new ideas
Conflict is inevitable but combat is optional.
Tools and material inspiring membership within Zonta.

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