The following images have been taken by Karen and Nathan Keefe, Conference photographers and D4 Historian Mary Yunker. We welcome additional photos to add to our Conference Gallery. Please forward engaging, fun and significant imges to [email protected].
Zonta Club of Buffalo organized pre-conference tours on Thursday & Friday prior to conference registration. Friday a group toured Buffalo, NY, including Forest Lawn Cemetary the resting place of Zonta’s founder Marian de Forest. Zonta International Director Judy Gorton assisted several Zonta members recognized Marian’s vision by laying a floral wreath on her grave 100 years after Buffalo’s Charter.
Conference attendees register while club delegates and alternates register for Conference and Credentials. Everyone selects a handcrafted conference bag created by Stitch Buffalo that is filled with items for the weekend; a program, Buffalo attractions, and a goodie bag of treats donated by District 4 Area Directors.
Vivian Cody, Past International Director, member of the Zonta Club of Buffalo and District 4 Historian, stands with the Color Guard from McKinley High School ROTC before the start of the procession and the first business session of the District’s 56th Conference.
District 4 Officers prepare for the procession that opens the 56th District 4 Conference on Friday, September 27, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo. Lt. Governor Janice Durmis, Area 1 Director Brenda Graham, Area 2 Director Nita McCown, Area 3 Director Jenny Johnston, Area 5 Director Diane Balaban and Area 6 Director Ann Marie West. (left-right) Absent Area 4 Director Gina Orsini.
Governor Bonnie Clesse, Secretary Marianne Chiumento, ZI Director Judy Gorton, Treasurer Marcia Bliss (left to right)
Treasurer Marcia Bliss, Lt. Governor Janice Durmis, Area 1 Director Brenda Graham & Area 2 Director Nita McCown (left to right)
District 4 officers, club delegates & alternates and conference attendees settle in on Friday, September 27, 2019, at 3:00 PM for the first business session. The posting of colours, national anthems, proclamation, conference invocation, roll call, formal greetings, and the beginning of district business starts off the weekend. Nominated candidates offer short speeches for delegates to familiarize themselves with the candidates for voting early Saturday morning. The first business session closes and there is a short time for respite before the evening festivities begin.
Jackie Davis sang the American, Canadian & Australian national anthems during the opening ceremony of the 56th District 4 Conference in Buffalo, New York.
District 4 ZI Liaison, Judy Gorton address Conference attendees on Friday afternoon.
Governor Bonnie Clesse welcomes Conference attendees and begins the 56th District 4 Conference.
Nominated candidates await their turn to address D4 officers, delegates and conference attendees on Friday afternoon.
Jenny Johnston Area 3 Director (2nd from Left)
Janice Cushner (white top), Mary Vicanti, ZC of Buffalo President (yellow rose), & Ann Marie West, Area 6 Director (2nd from right).
Presenter, Kathy Smith and Past Governor Lori Robinson awaits her turn.
Ellen Munella Jamestown President, Marnie Piggot Oakville President, Kathleen Douglass ZI Leadership Development Chair, Judy Gorton ZI Director D4 Liaison. (left-right)
Kathy Smith accepts donations to Zonta International Foundation.
Governor Bonnie Clesse presenting Mary Travers Murphy the Award.
D4 Advocacy Committee had Conference t-shirts made to reinforce their message.
Dr. Lee Fogarty, Margaret Geare (UN), Kyle Patterson, Connie Deckert & Julie Brown of Advocacy Committee addressing Conference attendees.
Sandra Cronk, ZC of Hamilton 1, Kathleen Douglass, ZC of Brampton-Caledon, Joanne Raymond, ZC of Kitchener-Waterloo, Lori Robinson, ZC of Brampton-Caledon, Daisy Waters, ZC of Niagara Falls NY & Barbara Fera, ZC of Guelph. (left-right)
Dr. Jacobs (right) is presented award by ZI Director Judy Gorton (left) and Hamilton 1 President Karin Eckart (middle) at the District 4 Conference on September 28, 2019, in Buffalo, New York.
Governor-Elect Janice Durmis & Julie Kleinberger, Zonta Club of Bradford, present the quilt to a deserving D4 member. Julie helped her sister design and assemble the Centennial Quilt.
The D4 Centennial Quilt was a Spring Meeting project developed by Janice Durmis, then Lt. Governor.
D4 members created personal quilt squares during D4 2019 Spring Meetings. The squares were assembled into a Centennial Quilt designed and made by Janet Lindstrom from the Zonta Club of Jamestown.
D4 Centennial Quilt contains 90 quilt squares. Each square was designed by a D4 member in recognition of Zonta’s place in their life.
Area 5 Director, Diane Balaban of the Olean Club created the timeline boards to match chartering of district clubs, Jenny Johnston of the Kenmore Club and Mary Yunker pulled papers and other items from archives to display along that line of boards.
Mary Yunker created the Zonta International Service Projects history boards.
Mary Yunker created the Zonta International Service Projects history boards.
Governor Bonnie Clesse, ZI Director & D4 Liaison Judy Gorton & Governor-Elect Janice Durmis. (left-right)
Treasurer Marcia Bliss, Area 1 Director Brenda Graham & Area 2 Director Nita McCown.
Area 3 Director Jenny Johnston, Area 5 Director Diane Balaban & Area 6 Director Ann Marie West. (left-right, absent Gina Orsini)
Conference Chair, Toni Majiack (left) & Buffalo Club President, Mary Vacanti. (right)
Past Governor, Joanne Raymond and D4 Historian, Mary Yunker.
Past Governor, Sandra Cronk, ZC of Hamilton 1 and Catherine Bobesich, ZC of Oakville.
ZI Amelia Earhart Chair Holly Anderson and Past Governor Daisy Waters.
Buffalo President Mary Vacanti and Past International Director and Buffalo club member Dr. Vivian Cody.
Mary Vacanti, ZC of Buffalo President, Cheryl Hopper, ZC of Washington Past President & Janet Dell, Area 4 Director-Elect.
ZC of Kitchener-Waterloo members dress for the occasion. Katlin Thompson, President Jane Newman & D4 Parliamentarian Kris Fletcher. (left-right)
Dressed for the 2019 D4 Conference Gala.
D4 Conference Gala Attendees Dressed for the Era.
D4 Gala toast & address by ZI Director and D4 Liaison, Judy Gorton.
D4 Conference Gala Dinner.
Gala Decor.
Gala Sweet Treat.
D4 Conference Gala Attendees & Partners.
D4 Conference Gala Dinner Guests.
D4 Conference Gala Dinner Guests.
Conference Gala Keynote Speaker, Jacquie Walker.
News 4 anchor and reporter Jacquie Walker visits with Zonta District 4 Historian Vivian Cody, who was dressed as Zonta founder Marian de Forest during the Gala Dinner of the District’s 56th Conference in Buffalo.
Conference Gala Keynote Speaker, Jacquie Walker and her Partner.
D4 Conference Gala Entertainment.
D4 Conference Gala Entertainment, Ladies First Jazz Big Band.
D4 Conference Gala entertainment & dancing.
Zonta Club of Kitchener-Waterloo. Members include Past ZI Advocacy Committee Connie Deckert, Past ZI Service Committee Joan Westcott, Muriel Omand-Naylor, D4 Parliamentarian Kris Fletcher, Club President Jane Newman, Katlin Thompson, Elizabeth Sproule, Dee Croft, Past Governor Joanne Raymond, Area 1 Director Brenda Graham.
D4 Conference Gala Attendees.
D4 Conference Gala Attendees.
Governor Bonnie Clesse, Governor-Elect Janice Durmis & Buffalo President Mary Vacanti light candles in recognition of passing members.
Dr. Jacobs was selected to receive the ZI Centennial Award selected by Canadian Zonta clubs.
Ms. Murphy selected by Area 3 & 4 club delegates at 2019 Spring Meeting.
Ms. Nagy selected by Area 1, 2 & 3 Canadian club delegates at 2019 Spring Meeting.
Ms. Evans selected by Area 5 & 6 club delegates at 2019 Spring Meeting.