This online registration is a three-step process.
Step 1: You will determine the appropriate registration fees for the D4 Conference based on date and activities you will be attending. Select the quantity for each and click “Register Now” (Directly below “Zonta Store” selection on bottom right of the cyan coloured area.)
Step 2: Fill out the registration form. This information is confidential and will be used by the Conference Committee for the purpose of organizing and operating this District 4 Conference.
Step 3: Choose your method of payment whether by filling out the online registration form and mailing in your cheque by August 24, 2019, or through PayPal using a PayPal account or credit card. Complete the payment processing form.
Note: there will be a USD processing fee (4.5% + $0.30) applied by District 4 to compensate for fees charged by PayPal.
Prefer to mail in your registration and cheque? Send in the registration form by August 24, 2019, to:
Carol Spedding
5876 Stone Rd.
Lockport, NY 14094
Payable to “Zonta Club of Buffalo D4 Conference”
Canadian cheques must state “Payable in US Funds”