Governor Bonnie's Post
Current Message
Dear Zontians of District 4,
Welcome to Zonta International’s Centennial Year!
It started when 29 of us from D4 joined about 2,500 at the Convention in Yokohama, Japan. It was full of information, networking & decision-making with wonderful women. The Bylaws changes were reported at the Board & Committee Chairs Meeting on September 15. Many also toured Japan – as you can see in the photos on our website. In addition to the ongoing meetings to plan our Centennial Conference, we have had 3 important meetings this summer to prepare for this exciting Biennium.
At the Centennial Meeting for Club Representatives, I gave each person the List of 40+ ideas that I had collected for clubs to use in their Centennial events, etc. This is on the D4 100 Years of Empowering Womenweb page for you. We added some more & I am anxious to hear from you what your club is doing. We also are excited to use Linda DeGain’s Travelling Flag as our District-wide Centennial Project.
At the 2 Training Weekends for Area Directors and Board& Chairs, we received reports, developed 2018-2020 goals & shared ideas. Both were rewarding & enjoyable.
We have a wonderful group of enthusiastic Zontians who are eager to get to know you, socialize & work together during this special Centennial Biennium.
With Zonta spirit,
Bonnie Clesse

News & Stories
Governor Bonnie’s February Post
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Governor Bonnie’s December Message
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Governor Bonnie’s Desk
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