At a recent meeting of the Jamestown chapter of Zonta International, Amanda Grey Chase was welcomed as our newest member. Her aunt, Cheryl Grey, invited her to a meeting to see if she would be interested in joining.  “Membership in Zonta is somewhat of a family legacy for Amanda”, said Cheryl, “as her grandmother, Connie Grey was also a Zonta member”.  Public service also runs in Amanda’s family.

Amanda is a Case manager of Senior Housing and Senior Services at Elder Care Solutions of WNY in Buffalo.  She has her BS from JBC and is studying at Daemen College for her MS in Social Work. Amanda is super busy as a wife and a mom of six. Three of her 6 children are in the military; one army, one marines and her daughter will be attending Niagara University for ROTC.  Her husband Allen is a marine corps veteran too, so service to community and country is a major theme in the Chase household.

Amanda is looking forward to working with the Jamestown Chapter of Zonta to further its mission locally and internationally.

The first chapter of Zonta International was started in Buffalo, NY in 1919, celebrating 100 years this year.  Jamestown’s chapter was #12.  Today there are over 1,100 Zonta clubs in 63 countries.  One of the first missions of the organization was for women’s rights and the right to vote. Today the international club continues to strive for the improvement of the legal, political, economic, health and professional status of women globally and locally through service, advocacy and education.

For more information on our local Zonta club and activities in Jamestown, visit

Pictured below: Amanda Grey Chase and her Aunt Cheryl Grey at the Marvin House.