To all Zonta members, from all of us at the Zonta Club of Oakville, we hope you are doing well during these times. We are very excited to report to District 4 and Zonta International as we conclude the 2018 – 2020 biennium.

Our Zonta Celebrates International Women’s Day 2020 event is our largest fundraiser to date.
We raised $90, 0000
for the following funds:

$10,000 was donated to Halton Women’s Place
$50,000 total to the Oakville Hospital Foundation.
$25,000 of this was allocated towards fighting Covid-19, and
$25,000 went to the Breast Diagnostic Program (DAP).
A total of $75,000 was donated to the Oakville Hospital Foundation during this biennium.

The 2019 IWD raised $25,000 to Oakville Hospital Foundation for the DAP.

Zonta Celebrates IWD 2020 – Leadership Team          Â
Caroline, Liz, Marnie, Catherine, Kathy                           Â

COGECO TV Interview with Co-Chairs 2020Â
Marnie Piggot and Catherine Bobesich

St. Mildred’s School – Robotic Team             Â

Catriona Le May Doan – 2019 Keynote speaker with gold medals – with Zonta members
Gabe Leah, Catriona, Jassy, Julia             Â

Zonta Celebrates IWD 2020 – Marketing & Communications Team Cheryle, Rachel, Jassy, Catherine, Melanie, Susan and Andrea (front row)              Â
Visit our gallery of photos and video – http://zontacelebrates.ca/photo-gallery-2020/

This biennium, we were fortunate enough to raise a total of $24,000 USD for Zonta International. This included an Amelia Earhart scholarship of $10,000.00USD + $2,000.00USD to the Centennial Fund in 2020 and $12,000.00USD to the Rose Fund in 2019.
We are also pleased to announce that $27,267.00 in funds were raised by our club Bingo fundraiser in 2020. The following community charities were the recipients of our community Bingo fundraising – HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters), Home Suite Hope, SAVIS of Halton, The Women’s Centre of Halton, Shifra Homes, Sheridan College – Zonta Club of Oakville Bursary.
Our 2019 Bingo fundraising efforts raised $30,050, which were distributed to Art House, Halton Women’s Place, Home Suite Hope, Hope Place Centre’s, Kerr Street Ministries, SAVIS of Halton, Sheridan College, Shifra Homes, The Halton Learning Foundation, and The Halton Women’s Centre.

Zonta Dance Party
Celebrating Zonta International 100th Anniversary

100th Anniversary cake – IWD 2019

In 2020, Zonta members rallied together in partnership with the Oakville Hospital Foundation to share a message of love for Mother’s Day.
Through other donations, the club was also able to assemble 1,000 birthing kits in both years that were delivered to World Vision to distribute in Africa. The club Service and Advocacy Committee also distributed ongoing donations we received from a large retailer to women’s shelters we support. The committee and club also hosted a Mother Daughter event, awarded an Innovative Technology scholarship to a local young woman and organized a Say No to Violence Against Women march on a bridge in downtown Oakville on December 6, 2019.
We have more good news to share. While we conclude this biennium, not only did we raise substantial funds, we were able to increase our membership and create greater awareness about Zonta in our community. We have increased our profile within our community with expanded marketing and communications and have created a new internal monthly membership newsletter. Also, on November 8th, we held a Zonta Dance Party to celebrate Zonta International’s 100th Anniversary!
As we conclude our biennium, we would like to thank our president, Marnie Piggot, for doing an outstanding job as President, IWD Co-Chair and IWD Treasurer.
During these times, the volunteers at the Zonta Club of Oakville continue to work diligently in their efforts in supporting women and girls, both in our own community and internationally.
Club website –  www.ZontaOakville.org
Event website – www.ZontaCelebrates.ca
Submitted by
Zonta Club of Oakville
Marketing and Communications Committee