Congratulation to Lindsey Tulloch & ZC of Niagar Falls, Lindsey is the First Ever WIT Recipient

First WIT Recipient from ZC of Niagara falls, ON. Lindsey is a Computer Science Major at University of Waterloo, ON.

WIT recipient from D4 ZC of Niagara Falls, ON.

Deecember 2, 2019, Zonta International posted the First Ever Recipients of our new Pilot Program: Zonta International Women In Technology Scholars. Zonta Club of Niagara Falls, Ontario’s candidate, Lindsey Tulloch, was awarded one of the Zonta International Scholarships for $8,000 USD. Lindsey is a Computer Science Major at University of Waterloo.


From all of us in District 4: Thank you to ZC Niagara Falls, ON for presenting Lindsey as your club’s candidate. We are so proud of Lindsey! Congratulations & Best Wishes for your bright future!

Zonta International District 4 Governor Bonnie Clesse