Helping Your Club Achieve Success

Unlock Your Club’s Membership Potential.      


The path to membership in Zonta International is very different for each of us. For some it is making a change in the community we live in while others find it is an opportunity to make an impact globally. Being part of a club gives us resources and a network to empower women.

In 1919 Marion de Forest founded an organization that would bring together women in professional positions and to advocate for women’s rights. Since then, Zontians around the world have dedicated the last century to empowering women. I am excited together we will celebrate Zonta’s Centennial Anniversary to honor Zonta’s past, our work in the present and our impact on the future.

Hello, I’m Janice Durmis

D4 Membership Chair                                                             Member of the Zonta club of Erie &                             Zonta International since 2009

Let Us Help Your club

excel & empower women in D4


Are you building a healthy club?

Maintaining a Healthy Club

Are you promoting a healthy club?

Goal Setting

Aligning your Club Goals with Zonta International and District 4. 

Happy Club Life

Acknowledging members are volunteers with personal responsibilities.


Tools and material inspiring membership within Zonta.

Global Membership Drive (GMD)

Message from President Suzanne von Bassewitz

Let’s Recognize Clubs & D4 Members

Membership Resources

Club Membership

Join one of 33 clubs in District 4, through your membership, advocate on key issues impacting women’s empowerment on a local and national level, and help fund global projects.

Young Professional Membership

Individual and club membership dues are reduced by 50 percent for young professionals under the age of 30.

Individual Membership

Pilot Program.  Persons who wish to join Zonta but not a club, can now apply for individual membership with Zonta International.

Zing Funding Request

Funding is available to financially support clubs engaged in increasing membership within their club.


District 4 and Zonta International have supporting material to help promote membership in Zonta.


An E-Club has all of the rights and responsibilities of a traditional Zonta club. It is a club that simply holds their club meetings, business and projects mainly electronically.

Determine interest

Find Balance

  Challenge Yourself

Recognize Achievements

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Forging Your Club’s Path Today!



Send a message to the

District 4 Membership Chair