Event Phone: 1 (814) 964-1363
Reading Group Out of the Shadows by Timea Nagy
March 11, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm This is an online group discussion about the book “Out of the Shadows” by Timea Nagy.
Timea has been raising awareness about Human Trafficking for over 10 years in North America and Europe. She has assisted to change several Human trafficking-related Laws in Canada and continues to encourage all levels of Government for effective and systematic changes. Ms. Nagy is the Founder and CEO of Timea’s Cause, a Social Enterprise that provides education to various sectors in North America through textbooks, conferences, and workshops. She is also Co-Founder of Timea’s Market, a locally sourced, natural, handmade bath and body shop operating out of Cambridge, Ontario.
Timea’s book OUT of the SHADOWS is a National Bestseller.
Timea was twenty years old when she answered a newspaper ad in Budapest, Hungary, calling for young women to work as babysitters and housekeepers in Canada. Hired by what seemed like a legitimate recruitment agency, Timea left her home believing she would earn good money to send back to her family. What she didn’t know was that she’d been lured by a ring of international human traffickers – and her life would never again be the same.
Upon her arrival in Toronto, she was forced into sex labour in some of the city’s seediest nightclubs, starved and controlled by her agents, and brainwashed to believe she was to blame for her situation. The only way she’d be free was when her debt was paid, but no matter how hard she worked, that debt seemed only to go up.
Out of Shadows is a gripping, heartbreaking and eye-opening journey deep into the underworld of human trafficking and the sex trade, told in riveting detail by one brave survivor.