Niagara Falls ON Canada, June 14th to 16th, 2013
Over 180 Zontians from all over North America met for the weekend in beautiful Niagara Falls Ontario. As promised, presentations from each of the workshops are presented below. If you want any further information, please feel free to email the presenter.
Workshop Selection
Track 1 Leadership |
Track 2 Credibility |
Track 3 Visibility |
Track 4 Action |
1A-Levels of Leadership and the Zonta Leader |
2A – Advocacy 101: What is it and why do we need it 2A Advocacy 101 Finding Your Zonta Voice
3A – Make Zonta a winner in today’s competitive market |
4A – Create the new Zonta with new members and great meetings 4A New Zonta Board Training Leader Notes with adjustments |
1B –Explore membership options with E-clubs |
2B – Handle Zonta conflict and difficult people |
3B – Use all media to highlight Zonta in your community |
4B – Advocacy 301: Design and implement a District-wide advocacy platform |
1C – Zonta Leaders leading change |
2C – Zonta and the United Nations |
3C – Target Zonta to a diverse audience |
4C – Develop a Club strategy to fight human trafficking |
1D – Share a Servant Leadership vision for Zonta |
2D – Understand personality types and how to work together |
3D – Use PR to highlight local advocacy and service 3D Connie Advocacy Presentation_June13 |
4D – Plan a strategy to take Zonta fundraising to a new level 4D Fundraising for NAIDM-French |